Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Eblow part 2: Christ as a teacher
As Jesus sat at the table in the house, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Him and His disciples. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to His disciples, 'Why does your Teacher eat with the tax collectors and sinners?' When Jesus heard that, He said to them, 'Those who are well have no need for a physician, but those who are sick ... For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.' Matthew 9:10-13
Good, encouraging stuff.
So what can we learn from this? What can we learn about how teachers interact with their students?
I'm not one for sweeping statements, so more forts later.
Monday, 7 December 2009
Amanda Palmer: Readers of Her Blog and the News
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Finally ...
And then it actually happened. I was in church and PJ was preaching on Acts 4: 23-31 -- a passage which I love anyway as it reminds me fondly of Ridge Lane prayer meetings.
It is not just a case of "looking for God". God is looking for us all, waiting with arms wide open. He has made himself known in the Bible, in the presence of Jesus and through experiencing the Holy Spirit, as Peter and Ed point out.
Today was a combo of the two: the word and the experience of God saying "Yep. This is me."
Just what I needed. It has taken me a long time to get here though. Recognising who God is who he says he is in the Bible, who Jesus says he is, and the Spirit (see "worshipping in spirit and truth", John 4). I had to be exposed to God, He had to show me who he was over days, months, years.
So there we go. One day, a lot to think about.
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Elbow on Contrary Teachers
The reading list so far...
Hardy, Dickens,
Austen, Amis,
Fitzgerald, Woolf,
Eliot, James
and novel conventions for the begining to the end via topics such as suspense, showing not telling, chapters, lists, monologues, the unreliable narrator. Whether you are blagging a topic amongst your literary friends or teaching your year 10s, this book is greatness.
This is all about free writing - whether Elbow is comparing the exercises to growing (a developmental process -- I like organic imagery) or cooking (interacting with people, ideas, metaphors and symbols) as a writer of creative works and academic essays (there is a great personal testimony of Elbow's essay writing method as an 'autobiographical digression') I know what he is talking about. The actual exercises might be sophisticated for some low ability writers, but there are some experiments which I would love to try.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Return of the Native: 'Harnessing the Power of Technology' in Pictures
Image #0:
Great comparisons between 'digital immigrants' and 'digital natives'. See also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c05E6kyHu8E
p.124 - 'harnessing power'. We hope that this title generates an evocative image of a team of horses drawing a carriage, with each animal working with the carriage driver, travelling
towards a common goal or destination ... We also intended that it should convey a sense of momentum of change and to encapsulate the debate about whether education is being driven by, or is it driving, technology towards educational transformation.
We could extend the metaphor further and ask what extent the carriage driver is in control and what skills he or she requires, or whether he or she is merely 'holding the reins'.
p.129 - None of use can predict what the world will be like in the future ... We ... can be certain that those who learn how to harness technology effectively will be best prepared to meet its challenges.
Image #2 The Swamp:
... the interplay that exists between learners, teachers, technology and the curriculum ... is not only complex and with many layers, it also play out in what Schon (1986) calls the 'swamp' - the often murky and messy scenarios of everyday teaching and learning, in which little can be quantified and where much is unpredictable.
Image #3: Digital Literacy
p. 127
Digital literacy as 'new literacy' or 'second orality' (Ong, 1982). See also the work of Ferris (not Bueller) and (not Van) Wilder (2006).
P.S. I REALLY like the above image. For more of the same see: wordandimage.wordpress.com/category/made-by-me/
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Bubbles has retired.
Michael moonwalks in limbo.
Cash tills keep PINGING!
Bathing apes decide
to set sail away from snow.
Pirates spring hotly.
Going postal, chimps
GOBBLE up correspondance,
peeling envelopes...
Who hung the baboon? -
Not us, say the BBC,
knotting lianas.
Gibbons, marmosets,
gorillas, chimps, orangutans ...
question baboons.
Autumn sets in hard.
The muddy piggy sneezes.
The chimp avoids snouts.
All bananas gone.
Stuffed into cheetah's fat face.
Raid the town larders.
The balloon CRASHES! -
a leaf sticks to the monkey.
A gorilla moans.
These are all examples of Illustrated Ape Daily Haiku Facebook Challenge.
Find more on Facebook. Search for 'Illustrated Ape'.
People Harry Knows
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
First thoughts on the digital classroom
water and the golden arm
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
chatrooms of the apocalypse
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Forts on Teaching
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Freeze! Vegan Police!!
Have you heard of the Vegan Police?
You don't see or hear much about them.
If you break Vegan Law* they'll be onto you like SNAP.
What an interesting concept -- I love it!
Ok, I'm not a vegan but I do respect someone who thinks about what they are eating.
A bit like those celebs in the Morrisons advert.
I just like to be inclusive.
Much love,
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Big Girls Don't Cry
What is Jersey Boys?: http://www.jerseyboyslondon.com/
What does 'Big Girls Don't Cry' sound like?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVBvy2cc0Io
Tennessee's Partner: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZifDG9V00E
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Blogs really can change your world
So I was checking out Ham's new website and there is a link to a real and true magazine article telling the story he got to work on The Mr. Men Show in mutha-flipping LA:
So it seems that the cheeses in charge got hold of the blog in question (http://hamuelo.blogspot.com/2008/05/id-like-piece-of-meat_22.html), saw Ham's arch-intelligent critiques, recognised his passion for animation and asked him if he wanted to work on the project!
Think about that for a second: it shows the power that the humble blog has to project the writer into the wider world of inter-web and beyond! Immence!
I wonder where that leaves me and my blog, which is essentially half-formed blabbing with lots of colours and pictures, maybe a little bit of passion every now and then.
Think-think about it.
Much love
Friday, 2 October 2009
Nut-log #1
Saturday, 26 September 2009
re: 'Modern Expression', BIG ISSUE article
Savage Messiah Fanzine
Check out the website:
To reduce contact with untouchables, urban redevelopment has converted once vital pedestrian streets into traffic sewers and transformed public parks into temporary receptacles for the homeless and wretched.
The American city, as many critics have recognised, is being systematically turned inside out- or rather outside in. The valorized spaces of the new megastructures and supermalls are concentrated in the centre, street frontage is denuded, public activity is sorted into strictly functional compartments, and circulation is internalized in corridors under the gaze of private police.
Mike Davis City of Quartz
Friday, 25 September 2009
Finally -- The Room!
The night was brilliant. We walked down to the lowest floor (-2), to be greeted by a giant poster of Tommy, the movie poster [see above] that got the world's love affair with The Room started in a lot of ways.
Sam was dressed as Denny, the resident child-pervert, complete with wig. Tom was dressed in a tracksuit, wife-beater and beanie as 'Chris R.', a drug dealer who makes a fleeting, pretty much non-sensical appearance. Lewis had a pair of underwear in his pocket in homage to the famous "me underwears" scene.
We looked around at the other giant nerds, some who frequent the bad movie night, some like us who were first timers drawn there by the chance to see THE ROOM!!1! Some famous people that were there were Peter Serafinowicz, Graham Linehan and Robert Popper. They were kind of comparing the film. This means making witty comments and observations whilst the film is running. Some were funny and inspired and these guys cleary love the film, but I'm pretty sure that greg and sam were just as if not more humorous.
On the whole, if you enjoy making foonny comments about the films you watch with friends, The Room is a pretty safe bet for a great night.
Def check out bad film club: http://www.barbican.org.uk/film/series.asp?id=525
The Room: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Room_(film)
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Hooray for the kids! #3: Art and design
Draw the Line
There are some great things being done by my friends. It gives me great joy to brag about them.
Check out the only review I could find and the mentioned artists. Hopefully they will have websites.
Hooray for the kids! #2: Literature
Hooray for the kids! #1: Music
... odd lapses into Kate Nash-isms before her voice swoops and soars again like a more robust Joanna Newsom and the strength of her lyrics becomes more than just clever clever word play.
Beautiful, soulful and playful accoustic ditties. I hearts it.
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/jogillot
The busiest man I know. A champion of hearty gospel music. A great player, musician, man and a wonderful and encouraging disciple and brother.
From YouTube:
L.Kay, GGM and Chancie, 'Finally say Goodbye'. This tracks about leaving the past alone, letting go of it and moving forward, following Gods will and plans for your life, but the key thing is that you have to Find God first before you can let Go of the past.
Check out the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Iw4I-gdIU0
Colonel Mustard
A great band from Hastings. Chatting to Haydn, they seem to come from multiple dimensions to create a real, real mixed bag. What larks, eh! Can you tell that he went to college with Billy Childish!:
Colonel Mustard are a group of five guys, each with their own excentric and ecletic tastes and influences, bought together by their need to make unforgettable and fun music. They will take you on an emotional musical journey, all the way from melancholia to moshing, making sure your senses are titillated and inspired and left wanting for more. With helpings of mellow funk through to euphoric gypsy two-step, sweet lullaby waltz’s and just a dash of Ska, the five Colonels will take you on an adventure never to be forgotten.
Check out t'MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/wearecolonelmustard
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Oggling mind-boggling blogs
The Long and the Short of It
Wonderfully Bible-driven blog of ponderings, how to write a blog and what is important to shout about. Also a bit like a Fab ice-lollie. Very readable, engagable and with definite clout:
I just wrote a massive blog-post, dealing with life, the universe and just about everything my little brain could think to talk about. I was witty, I was clever, I was generally trying to write the best darn blog-post there ever had been. I then opened the Bible and read this: ...
Scribblings From My Desk
This blog is a mix of stuff that is hearty: very real, very well thought through and researched. It is a joy to read and I have found it very helpful personally. It is also a hub of other great teachers -- just check out the blogs on the right hand side.
I particularly like the recent post about Robbie Williams :)
A Lamp to Our Feet
Well, now we have a rich fruit pudding of a blog! Book-smarts, honesty and real-life situations are a few reasons why this is just quality.
I'm going to try and put into words, drawing from my meditations and thoughts on both these books over the past few weeks, exactly why I feel more joyful because of them but it's going to be a struggle because it seems paradoxical and confusing even to me!
Punk, barbershop, the market, teaching
These guys rule.
Socially concious punk rock.
Check out these lyrics ...
Right men just bleed the poor
And I can't take no more
'Until We're Dead'
For me this rings bells with Chris' thoughts from the pyrotechnic drama we say at Greenbelt (totally forgotten what it was called ...). Throughout was the lament of 'Give everything you have to the poor ... Is this too much? ... Then give a tenth? ... Is this too much? Then don't steal from your poor brother ...'
Chris' thoughts were that in a sense we (in the MC West) do deprive people all over the world of their natural resources to keep us in states of luxury. I feel that 'Until We're Dead' reflects that frustration and the desire to make a change, starting with the man in the mirror if you like.
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/starfuckinghipsters
At the weekend Lewis and I went to a barbershop singing workshop. It was amazing! Lovely tunes and lovely people. Check out barbershop culture -- there is more to it than I thought and it is pretty cool (although less boaters that one would like). It is a good hobbie ... I'm not sure if I will 'join the club'...
Websites: http://singbarbershopinsussex.com/sussexharmonisers/index.htm
Borough Market
Another weekend, anthoer AMAZING adventure! Borough Market is absolutly brilliant. Everyone is friendly, london style, which is perfectly wonderful. And free samples! Kevin and I ate so much cheese! Can't wait to go back!
Website: http://www.boroughmarket.org.uk/
It is great. What have I learnt? Loads! I think the most important thing so far is LISTENING. This is hard, as at the moment all I can worry about is 'am I doing it right?'
We'll get there in the end, eh?
Read everyone's blogs -- they are greats!
Lots of love
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
I love Sam's blog. He writes about just the same sort of things I do.
Check out this blast from the past with the killer title 'If you fell over in the woods, would you make a sound?':
"I don't know why I'm directly addressing 'you' ... as the reader of this blog, as, obviously, nobody reads it, so you don't exist. "
Genius. I'm going to have to read them all.
The BNP prt. 2
Fear comes from hate.
Hate comes from fear.
We have to love the BNP.
Someone has to.
Listen to thier stories.
They need to be broken with pity and love.
Love breaks fear.
Love breaks hate.
God equip us for our mission.
Amanda Palmer
The only reason I would follow twitter really is to follow Miss Amanda Palmer's tweets. She is a hugely sweet person, a great artist who loves music, her fans and her life. If I was to have a fictional dream (fictional and dream?!?) dinner party she would be the guest of honour. She uses Twitter and her blog as a world-wide love note to her fans, posting secret shows, using fans ideas, posting photos etc.
Who is Amanda?: Amanda's Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/whokilledamandapalmer
Amanda's blog: http://blog.amandapalmer.net/post/171930303/fringe-london-out
Amanda's Twitter: http://twitter.com/amandaPalmer
My Folks
I'm sitting with my parents listening to C. S. Lewis on audio tape. They are pretty tired, almost falling asleep. I love them both very much. It is great being back home. I vow to love them, visit them and look after them as much as I can for the rest of our lives.
Not long to go now. I start my course on Monday. I'm determined to give it my best. I owe it to tomorrow's youth.
More later, gang!
The Climate Rush
2He called a little child and had him stand among them. 3And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
5"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. ..."See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
'The Happiest Blog on Earth' vs. ...
For some reason I was looking for a happy blog and I found this: http://www.smilemyday.com/
I must admit that it is pretty cute ( I especially enjoy the rather fetching photo of Sean Connery) and it is a lovely project, but I feel that they are missing some great smiles. So here is Jack Nicholson with conpliments from 'If GRINS Could Kill'. XXX
'The Happiest Blog on Earth' vs. I.G.C.K
'The Happiest Blog on Earth' vs. 'Scribblings'
on a more practical note, this blog may offer a better understanding on happiness which is more enduring. This is called 'joy': http://peterdray.blogspot.com/search/label/joy
I hope to have my own thoughts on this one day.
Lots of love!
Also Samurai Jack rules!
Guerilla Art
Guerilla art consists of reclaiming space and changing its dynamics with images or counter images, art that has been created anonymously and left on walls or in places such as public squares. Guerrilla art is not only spray paint and text and images. It can also encompass theater and film projections projected on walls of buildings.
However, for the ultimate in guerilla art (one that Smith forgot, thankyouverymuch) is MOSIAC!! Hail the Space Invaders! World-wide invasion!!!
Check out the website:
Oh, and people don't blog enough.
and very Irish accents rule.
Lots of love.
Friday, 21 August 2009
His latest exhibition ‘Banksy vs. Bristol Museum’ finishes at the end of the month. It seem be emphasising provocative sculpture rather than his “infamous” graffiti. http://www.banksy.co.uk/
This post is in response to many things, mainly in response to words. People talk a lot about the injustice in the world – talk a lot – without actually doing anything themselves. This is infuriating self- indulgence and must be stopped. Suburbanaght culture can be used to destroy, but let use it for good, being voices and hands in the world to make a change. Don't forget all the great middle class suburnaughts like Joe Strummer, Amanda Palmer ... Rage Against the Machine, I don't know... the altruists rather than the egotists ... Missionaries!
"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Luke 10.2)
In dedication to all my brothers and sisters on mission all around the world. A hopeless suburnaught salutes you. God bless you all.
Futurism at the Tate Modern
... We will sing of great crowds excited by work, by pleasure, and by riot; we will sing of the multicolored, polyphonic tides of revolution in the modern capitals; we will sing of the vibrant nightly fervor of arsenals and shipyards blazing with violent electric moons; greedy railway stations that devour smoke-plumed serpents; factories hung on clouds by the crooked lines of their smoke; bridges that stride the rivers like giant gymnasts, flashing in the sun with a glitter of knives; adventurous steamers that sniff the horizon; deep-chested locomotives whose wheels paw the tracks like the hooves of enormous steel horses bridled by tubing; and the sleek flight of planes whose propellers chatter in the wind like banners and seem to cheer like an enthusiastic crowd.
Extended version: http://www.unknown.nu/futurism/manifesto.html
Manifesto of the Futurist Painters (Umberto Boccioni, Carlo CarrĂ , Luigi Russolo, Giacomo Balla, Gino Severini)
1. Destroy the cult of the past, the obsession with the ancients, pedantry and academic formalism.
2. Totally invalidate all kinds of imitation.
3. Elevate all attempts at originality, however daring, however violent.
4. Bear bravely and proudly the smear of “madness” with which they try to gag all innovators.
5. Regard art critics as useless and dangerous.
6. Rebel against the tyranny of words: “Harmony” and “good taste” and other loose expressions which can be used to destroy the works of Rembrandt, Goya, Rodin...
7. Sweep the whole field of art clean of all themes and subjects which have been used in the past.
8. Support and glory in our day-to-day world, a world which is going to be continually and splendidly transformed by victorious Science.
Extended version: http://www.unknown.nu/futurism/painters.html
So yeh. Italian Futurism (1910-1914) could be described as Cubism’s angry cousin and Vortism’s older brother. The whole movement is a blur of movement: physically, technologically, psychologically, individually, corporately ect. dedicated to passion for the future and revolution.
There are some good pieces here, and the exhibition does well to cover the spread of Futurism throughout Europe (France / Russia / England ...) and there are some good paintings by Umberto Boccioni, but I was hoping for more pieces from my favourite Gino Severini (Dance of the “Pan-Pan” at the Monico, 1909-1911, below).
Some things change meaning and significance over the years, but who doesn’t enjoy heady, provocative manifestos and the wild, gestural painting of passionate people?
Follow the exhibition here: http://www.tate.org.uk/modern/exhibitions/futurism/default.shtm
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Construtive Protesting
The BNP’s track-record (fascism, racism, homophobia, sexism, heresy) puts a really big big bee in a lot of peoples' bonnets: that’s why so-called “anti-fascists” protest and riot against BNP festivals and marches and punk bands "commitment to politics and resistance” like The King Blues encourage people to “Throw bricks through the windows of BNP headquarters!” during their gigs. I was present at such a gig, at this years Rebellion Festival, Blackpool.
But no ground is given if a campaign of hate is combated by an equally violent retaliation; it becomes an endless cycle of hatred, the grand canyon of misunderstanding grows wider and both parties end up looking the same.
A similar problem arises with debate. It is almost impossible to change someone’s attitudes by arguing with them. Sure, you might “win” in the sense that you pour unending logic on someone’s head, but if you’ve ever argued with someone about their beliefs, you’ll know that it doesn’t work like that. Debate with the brainwashed can again end up as an endless circle going nowhere.
So what do we do?
How do you counter hate? The obvious answer is love. Not in a way that gets nothing done, but in a way that builds bridges instead of smashing faces. The best example of this I have seen on the protest circuit is the annual ‘Anarchist Vs Capitalist Midnight Cricket Cup’ held by the Space Hijackers. This is brilliant because it is creative, fun, non-violent and most importantly, relational.
This stunt is practically evangelistic! Why isn’t my church doing something this cool? Are we not motivated enough? Not creative enough? Not relational enough? Of course, the most affective / offensive weapon that brothers and sisters need to attack is the Gospel of peace (Ephesians 6.15) - but if the Space Hijackers use cricket as a vehicle for forging relationships between anarchists and capitalists, then perhaps brothers and sisters can set up the stumps for a fascists vs. Christians test. Then move on to the world series!