The BNP’s track-record (fascism, racism, homophobia, sexism, heresy) puts a really big big bee in a lot of peoples' bonnets: that’s why so-called “anti-fascists” protest and riot against BNP festivals and marches and punk bands "commitment to politics and resistance” like The King Blues encourage people to “Throw bricks through the windows of BNP headquarters!” during their gigs. I was present at such a gig, at this years Rebellion Festival, Blackpool.
But no ground is given if a campaign of hate is combated by an equally violent retaliation; it becomes an endless cycle of hatred, the grand canyon of misunderstanding grows wider and both parties end up looking the same.
A similar problem arises with debate. It is almost impossible to change someone’s attitudes by arguing with them. Sure, you might “win” in the sense that you pour unending logic on someone’s head, but if you’ve ever argued with someone about their beliefs, you’ll know that it doesn’t work like that. Debate with the brainwashed can again end up as an endless circle going nowhere.
So what do we do?
How do you counter hate? The obvious answer is love. Not in a way that gets nothing done, but in a way that builds bridges instead of smashing faces. The best example of this I have seen on the protest circuit is the annual ‘Anarchist Vs Capitalist Midnight Cricket Cup’ held by the Space Hijackers. This is brilliant because it is creative, fun, non-violent and most importantly, relational.
This stunt is practically evangelistic! Why isn’t my church doing something this cool? Are we not motivated enough? Not creative enough? Not relational enough? Of course, the most affective / offensive weapon that brothers and sisters need to attack is the Gospel of peace (Ephesians 6.15) - but if the Space Hijackers use cricket as a vehicle for forging relationships between anarchists and capitalists, then perhaps brothers and sisters can set up the stumps for a fascists vs. Christians test. Then move on to the world series!
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