Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Forts on Teaching

I was just going to write 'WITH GREAT POWER COMES GREAT RESPONCIBILITY' and leave it at that.

This is true. THEN I got thinking about how learning to teach is like discovering and developing a superpower. It comes in accidental spurts, sometimes it gets messy and sometimes it is embarrassing: you always have to get over your ego and (thank God) every day is a new day.

Sometimes people get hurt

but hopefully you will save someone one day.

I'm always learning: working on my weaknesses and toning my strengths.

I'll get there; I just hope I don't have to fight too many big bosses on the way.

P.S. Just started a new prayer triplet which makes me very happy.


  1. I should join one of those (prayer triplet not silly costume), obviously with Great power does not come a spell checker ;)

    Glad the teaching is going well.
