I love Sam's blog. He writes about just the same sort of things I do.
Check out this blast from the past with the killer title 'If you fell over in the woods, would you make a sound?':
"I don't know why I'm directly addressing 'you' ... as the reader of this blog, as, obviously, nobody reads it, so you don't exist. "
Genius. I'm going to have to read them all.
The BNP prt. 2
Fear comes from hate.
Hate comes from fear.
We have to love the BNP.
Someone has to.
Listen to thier stories.
They need to be broken with pity and love.
Love breaks fear.
Love breaks hate.
God equip us for our mission.
Amanda Palmer
The only reason I would follow twitter really is to follow Miss Amanda Palmer's tweets. She is a hugely sweet person, a great artist who loves music, her fans and her life. If I was to have a fictional dream (fictional and dream?!?) dinner party she would be the guest of honour. She uses Twitter and her blog as a world-wide love note to her fans, posting secret shows, using fans ideas, posting photos etc.
Who is Amanda?: Amanda's Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/whokilledamandapalmer
Amanda's blog: http://blog.amandapalmer.net/post/171930303/fringe-london-out
Amanda's Twitter: http://twitter.com/amandaPalmer
My Folks
I'm sitting with my parents listening to C. S. Lewis on audio tape. They are pretty tired, almost falling asleep. I love them both very much. It is great being back home. I vow to love them, visit them and look after them as much as I can for the rest of our lives.
Not long to go now. I start my course on Monday. I'm determined to give it my best. I owe it to tomorrow's youth.
More later, gang!
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