Bubbles has retired.
Michael moonwalks in limbo.
Cash tills keep PINGING!
Bathing apes decide
to set sail away from snow.
Pirates spring hotly.
Going postal, chimps
GOBBLE up correspondance,
peeling envelopes...
Who hung the baboon? -
Not us, say the BBC,
knotting lianas.
Gibbons, marmosets,
gorillas, chimps, orangutans ...
question baboons.
Autumn sets in hard.
The muddy piggy sneezes.
The chimp avoids snouts.
All bananas gone.
Stuffed into cheetah's fat face.
Raid the town larders.
The balloon CRASHES! -
a leaf sticks to the monkey.
A gorilla moans.
These are all examples of Illustrated Ape Daily Haiku Facebook Challenge.
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Breaking the Silence
6 hours ago