Hi all.
Long time, new post. Been reading Henry Rollins' diaries. What a guy! Inspired me to do some writing -- but I'll keep it short.
SO -- teaching is going ok. I am pretty rubbish, but I'm getting back into the saddle. I think that I fell into every pitfall a teacher has faced -- but that is how you learn. Lots of marking but I think it's under control -- I've just got to put it in the right places. I don't know. It's wierd; at the start I felt alot more confident in my (non)abilty and now I'm starting to feel more nervous about it all -- I don't know why but I wish that I would stop it! Anyhow.
Church is great! Loving home-group / cell group / whatever you want to call it. Building up really close bonds and it is really encouraging to talk, pray with these mighty humble amazing people. Need to kick back into prayer triplet -- I kinda need it. Also need to read more. Have been listening to 'The Screwtape Letters' on audio. It is amazing! CS Lewis is a legend; he's got a real talent for writing and he is SO WISE! I also need to read up on things on 'Be Thinking' website.
Had a really interesting discussion with Carly about the differences between animals and humans. What do you think? I hope we talk more about head-expanding things like that. Talking about stuff like that is really interesting...
Dedicated to Ham (it was good to see people today!)