Wednesday, 6 January 2010

aagh, a 'poem' for January






wyse & jones: play time

a picture of Stephen Fry. If you are feeling vexed or stressed, just look at his lovely big face.

Quote of the day:
It is far too simplistic to imagine that play is something that only happens pre-school, or only during the early years of primary. The reality is that play is a vitally important aspect of literacy at all levels, including for adults. Professional writers understand this: novelists, dramatists and poets are regularly praised for their ability to play with language... playing with words is a creative act and it teaches us a great deal about the language and its structure.
I'm thinking of getting back into poetry.
Enjoy the snow everyone!!

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Haworth / Turner: Lesson plans

An epic picture of Bleeding Through. 'Sister Charlatan' is keeping my sanity atm.

No one yet has produced the perfect, all-purpose lesson plan that suits everyone. And thank goodness for that. Planning is something that has important idiosyncratic aspects to it, because we usually do it ourselves and the plans will, to a greater or lesser extent, express something of our professional individuality. However, there are some essential features, namely:

clear learning objectives

clear teaching objectives and strategies

a sequence of lesson activities (what the teacher will do, what the students will do)

use of variety: pace, activity, learning styles, teaching styles, resources

a rationale for the sequence that connects with understandings of the ways pupils learn

consideration of resources, materials and technolgy

planned assessment and monitoring opportunities

a chance for students to reflect on their learning

a record of homework set

reminders / 'memos' of teacher activities

considered and reflective lesson plan evaluation


It would seem that I have a long way to go.


Friday, 1 January 2010

Words on teaching


2 teaching/teacher blogs I have found particularly interesting & refreshing at this particular time of things: 'Mildly Melancholy', 'Learn Me Good'. Thank you.

In terms of the teaching I feel that I am making progress; I am surviving day by day but also learning and learning from my mistakes as humbly as I can. Thank you.

Thanks to all my pedagogue pals for the love and support given to me thus far; the kindly emails, the trips to the pub and comforting stories of struggle, reward and hope. Thank you.

Much love to my brothers and sisters who are aware of my present struggles. Your love, kindness and prayers are, and will always be, greatly, greatly appreciated. Thank you.

This will be all for now. S.